Monday, May 7, 2007

Call Tom Harkin: 202-224-3254

Days Until Bush Leaves Office = 623

Tom Harkin's phones will be ringing today. From the inbox today, this note from

"Democrats in Congress are currently working on a new Iraq bill that they're going to send to the president after he vetoed the last one. There is a lot of pressure on them right now to weaken the restrictions on the president.

Some news reports suggest that final bill may not include a deadline to end the occupation in Iraq and instead include a set of benchmarks for the Iraqi government to meet. We have to make clear that benchmarks alone are not enough to end the war.

It's really important that Democrats hear from their constituents today. Can you call Sen. Harkin and tell him to stand firm against President Bush and demand concrete action to end the war—not just symbolic benchmarks?

Here's where to call:

Senator Tom Harkin

Phone: 202-224-3254

Then, please report your call by clicking here:

Democrats need to keep up the fight against President Bush on Iraq right now. They have the people behind them—more than 60 percent of the country backs their proposals to bring our troops home. Even Congressional Republicans are starting to abandon the president on the war. John Boehner, the minority leader in the House said yesterday that Republican support for the president would not last.
While setting benchmarks to measure the Iraqi government's progress is a good step, they aren't enough to end the war. There must be consequences if the benchmarks aren't met and Congress must begin bringing our troops home from the mess in Iraq.

The voters elected Democrats to power to end the war. Now is the time for them to stand up and fight the president for real accountability on the war.

The next few days are critical. Please call Sen. Harkin and tell him that you're counting on them to stand up to President Bush and end this war.

Thanks for all you do,

–Nita, Justin, Tom, Carrie and the Political Action Team"

I haven't heard that Harkin is wavering on Iraq after the veto, but it never hurts to tell public officials what you want. Give Senator Harkin a call and use the link above to report the result. It's another way to make your voice heard.


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