Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Nothing Like It Before, Ever

Days Until Bush Leaves Office = 230

There is so much political news coming out of tonight's primaries, both in Iowa and in Montana and South Dakota. And I'll write about that. Tomorrow.

But I cannot end this day without reflecting on the incredible primary season that has now come to an end, and all that I have seen, and heard, and learned. I salute the candidates I met and who ran strong campaigns of conviction and substance. This has been a political season that has seen unprecedented runs for president by a Hispanic, a woman, and an African American.

Nothing like it before, ever. We'll be telling our grandchildren about all this one day. And they'll listen, and perhaps roll their eyes a bit, because in that day they will, happily, take these things for granted. But it is for us tonight, with all that has gone before and all the challenges that yet lay ahead, to take a moment to acknowledge these extraordinary days, this historic moment, and to say God Bless America.

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